Saturday, January 2, 2010

California Metal Core Scooter Wheels Can Someone Start A Petition To Install Metal Detectors In All Of California's High Schools?

Can someone start a petition to install metal detectors in all of california's high schools? - california metal core scooter wheels

This is a class of speech. I have to convince them, metal detectors. But I'm not sure what should follow my approach, ..... I teach at the Governor, or ask to write the school board, or ask them to sign a petition ..... i "I do not know how in a situation in real life work ...... Please help!


nedoglov... said...

I really do not know, but I recommend this resolution (the law and ethics, or something similar) in this article. this is more a legal issue than anything else.

Sprattic... said...

Unless the State Legislature or Congress in a way that makes it mandatory for the funding is there no general application in all local educational institutions (LEA). An LEA has the freedom to choose what to do with the funds received by them, too. An LEA may only be a part of their detectors in schools dealing with this problem if this problem would be more effective if it is placed on the local school board. Parents and students should form a coalition and get the issue on the agenda of the school, where they can be opened to discussion and new members of the school. Ultimately, teachers and principals have little power in education, the parents are the course of action.

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